Saturday 1 September 2012

Internet Censorship: Is It Public "Enemy" or "Justice"


As we know internet this day are very useful instrument. Why I say that way is because this day everything we done mostly connected to the internet. Some of us may use internet as a source of intelligence and education purpose, yet there a lot of people out there use the internet for creating chaos or simply just wasting their time. In Malaysia most of people here mainly use internet for entertainment and lifestyle. According to theSundaily  in Dec 2011 the top Malaysian "Zeitgeist"( German for "the spirit of time") are either Facebook,Angry birds and Maharaja Lawak. (source info: That's was just a rough explanation about the internet use by Malaysian. 

Internet : Regulated by Who?

Do we ever guess or considerate among us who maintaining and regulating our internet?. Mostly the answer will be "NO".  There is some internet regulation bodies that work hardly for the sake of our entertainment and to make sure the internet running smoothly. Here are some group of organization who regulate our internet:

a) The Internet Society : Contributing leadership skill to confront future mass internet problem and is home to the Internet infrastructure standard. 
b) The Internet Architectural Board : In charge of internet oversight and standard.
c) Internet Engineering Task Force : Open international community consist of people that designs,operates and do some research to the network. 
d) : A technical coordination body for the Internet.
e) PFIR - People for Internet responsibility : A troop of people who concerned regarding the growth of internet for present and future.

So know we know who running the internet from the behind the scenes. I hope that we can acknowledge them for their hardship to make our internet better.

Internet Censorship: WHY?

First of all let us view the video about internet censorship that I found on YouTube. This video for me are quite interesting.  

Generally internet censorship is an act of suppression of the publishing or accessing to the info on the internet. This cowardly act mostly done by some government to put their citizen at bay from knowing the truth about something. From my point of view, I think the internet censorship had it's pros and cons. The benefit of the internet censorship is that some government can control how their citizen behaved and getting information. Example :

With law like that most of the citizen cannot copy or illegally download material from internet. Thus, they need to buy original one. This way the government can generate their economy much better. The downside of internet censorship is prevention from truth and good news. This is due to some of country use the internet censorship to feed their citizen with fraud information and hiding the truth about their government. So for my answer regarding am I agree or not on this matter will be "YES". In Malaysia there is a lot of unprotected false info and lacking of internet censorship. This matter if not unsolved and taken care will be a plague to the nation. Some of the website including porn that can demoralized and degenerated our future leader. This is due lack of restriction on this kind of website from the government. So with the internet censorship, at least we can help to prevent the plague from spreading to our beloved country. That's all from my perspective and I hope this kind of plague can be avoided. 

Happy 55th Independence Malaysia

Authored by : Adli Faisal Bin Ahmad Zamri


  1. Selamat Hari Raya!! Many of us believed that internet is EVERYTHING!! internet is the TRUTH!! But for me, it is wrong... I don't understand why people can easily agree on every articles their read in the Internet and said "THE TRUTH HAVE BEEN REVEALED"? In some ways it is true that internet can be trust for example in the knowledge field like tutorials and technical stuff. However, in the history part or current issue there are many version out there been write by anyone. So how can we say it is True??? Just my point of view... thanks

  2. Depending on how an individual uses Facebook, this common social network can also be a source of information for education purposes.

    Regarding the illegal download issues, not ALL materials that are being downloaded illegally burdens those who produced it. For example, some artists encouraged people to download their music illegally from file sharing websites. Some goes to some softwares and films. This is because, in the long run, this can help to make their products famous and possibly generate more income in the future.

  3. Selamat hari raya and selamat hari merdeka, yeah agree with you, some of the government abused their citizen faith by cut down the internet, so they can do inappropriate things without their citizen knowing them. Example china or north korea

  4. Some artist encouraged people download their artworks of cause yes... BUT~~~~ What kind of artist you must know. Mostly are indie artist where their production cost are very low compared to the mainstream artist that uses massive production cost. Mostly their using home studio or friend's studio to recording their songs or short film.

    These indie artist is not a license for us to say illegal download must be defended because like you said earlier, they use it to promote themselves for the first place. I was in the scene before and I know many indie artist before their song been played in the radio that said the same thing.. "I approved my masterpiece to be heard by all kind of people regardless of how their get it". but it before they become famous, after they jump to the mainstream scene, they will or have to said "Please support our local product" and "please support original product" because now they know the reality of production world.

    Yes, not all producer are affects by the illegal download but again like I said what kind of product or producer? Themselves or their product must be a well known franchise, people wait for they product and willing to pay whatever cost in order to get their product for example original album, dvd, blu-ray or watching their movies over and over again. However, what about the not so popular producer, director or artist especially in the movie field? Although their artwork are very good in term of the art value but they not famous because they don't have any cheezy CGI, technology, actor/actress, effects and much more. They also need money to produce their next projects but how they want to do it if their can't generate any income by their current projects because of people happily downloading their stuff??

    I'm here not to oppressed your thought and opinion as well as the people 'freedom of Internet' but I'm here to make us think it together shall we?? Sorry for any unpleasant way of telling my opinion.

    Salam 1Malaysia and Selamat Hari Raya~~~~!!
